Poem depicting HTML & CSS Beginner Learner's Dilemma

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Poem depicting HTML & CSS Beginner Learner's Dilemma

CSS and HTML, oh what a sight
Two languages, both so bright
Together they make a web so fair
A learner's dilemma, do you dare?

CSS styles, HTML structures
Both essential, without a doubt
But where to start, what to do
A puzzle for the learner, it's true

So many rules, so many tags
So much to learn, so many drags
But with patience and persistence too
Success is guaranteed, it's true

Oh learner, don't be discouraged
For every error, there's a cure
Just keep practicing, don't be afraid
And soon enough, you'll be an ace

So embrace the challenge with a smile
And let CSS and HTML be your guide
For in the end, the reward will come
A beautiful web, built by you, a prodigy, you'll become!