A Complete List of C Programming Language Keywords

C programming language has 32 keywords which are predefined words that have specific meanings in the language and cannot be used as variable names. They are used to perform specific tasks and are part of the C syntax. Some of the keywords include:

  • "int" for declaring integer variables

  • "while" for creating loops

  • "if" for creating conditional statements

  • "for" for creating loops that repeat a specific number of times

  • "switch" for creating multi-way branches

  • "return" for exiting a function and returning a value

  • "void" for indicating that a function does not return any value

  • "const" for declaring constant variables

  • "break" for breaking out of a loop or switch statement

  • "continue" for skipping the current iteration of a loop

  • "default" for providing a default case in a switch statement

  • "do" for creating a loop that is executed at least once

  • "double" for declaring double precision floating-point variables

  • "else" for providing an alternative code block if a condition is false

  • "enum" for creating an enumerated data type

  • "extern" for declaring a variable or function that is defined elsewhere

  • "float" for declaring single precision floating-point variables

  • "goto" for transferring control to another part of the program

  • "if" for creating conditional statements

  • "long" for declaring long integer variables

  • "register" for declaring a variable to be stored in a register

  • "short" for declaring short integer variables

  • "signed" for declaring signed integer variables

  • "sizeof" for determining the size of a variable or data type

  • "static" for declaring a variable or function with static storage duration

  • "struct" for creating a user-defined data type

  • "typedef" for creating an alias for a data type

  • "union" for creating a variable that can store different data types

  • "unsigned" for declaring unsigned integer variables

  • "volatile" for declaring a variable that may change unexpectedly

  • "auto" for declaring a variable with automatic storage duration

  • "break" for breaking out of a loop or switch statement

  • "case" for providing a case in a switch statement

  • "char" for declaring character variables

This list is not exhaustive and new keywords could be added in the future.