A 15-Point SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis - Simplified

SQL-Introduction to Commands.

  1. SELECT - used to select specific columns from a table

  2. FROM - used to specify the table you want to select data from

  3. WHERE - used to filter rows based on a certain condition

  4. GROUP BY - used to group rows by one or more columns

  5. HAVING - used to filter groups based on a certain condition

  6. ORDER BY - used to sort the result set by one or more columns

  7. INSERT INTO - used to insert new data into a table

  8. UPDATE - used to modify existing data in a table

  9. DELETE - used to delete data from a table

  10. LIKE - used to search for a certain pattern in a column

  11. IN - used to filter based on a list of values

  12. BETWEEN - used to filter based on a range of values

  13. ALIAS - used to give a temporary name to a column or table

  14. JOIN - used to combine data from two or more tables

  15. UNION - used to combine the result set of two or more SELECT statements

These are the basic command in SQL that you can use to select, modify, and manipulate data in a relational database. Keep in mind that different RDBMS may have slightly different syntax and additional commands.